L is for… Little hands and little words. Laughing and playing with Daddy. Ladybug sleepers and snuggling before nap time.…
Last Thursday was a long day. I had a client call during which I had to change a poopy diaper. Then, I tried to find the source of a fire in our garage. I cleaned and swept and vacuumed and eventually discovered a giant…
I should be making dinner right now, or putting dishes away, or hanging up wet laundry, or you know, working, but Mackenzie hasn’t slept much at all today, and she needs to sleep. My happy baby has been grumpy and not wanting to nap…
The theme for this week’s You Capture is Circles, and since Beth first posted the topic, I have been looking for circles everywhere. In the everydayness of our lives, I tend to see them in one of three places. I love the little polka…