Spring weather has come to Nashville! I could shout it from the rooftops. The temperature was in the 70s all weekend, and we spent the majority of our time outdoors. We played outside all morning, and then Chris and I came up with a…
We’ve been snagging every chance we get to enjoy the gorgeous fall weather here in Nashville and to take new pictures of Mackenzie. Here are a few of our favorites. I hope you enjoy!…
Hello, friends. I hope you had a lovely long weekend. It is Thursday here, and we are fully back into the swing of things. It’s amazing how much we look forward to long weekends, and yet how difficult they can be to recover from.…
Fridays always seem to be the longest day of the week. Last Friday Chris came home from work to me eating ice cream for dinner. Today I almost collapsed in an exhausted heap at 4:00. Granted, I spend every other day of the week…