
Pictures: Commissioning + Graduation

May 13, 2010

It’s hard to believe I actually graduated last weekend. I have more free time in the evenings now than I know what to do with – although I know that will be short lived!

Our trip went by so fast. We made it through a long layover in Newark, lots of early mornings, three separate hotels, and hours in the car, but Chris, his parents, Ria, and I all hung in there and made it happen. And honestly, the trip wouldn’t have happened at all without Rick and Linda. I am so thankful for their love and support.

Even Ria hung in there through all of the ceremonies and grown-up stuff. I was so proud of her.

Most of all, and more than anyone or anything else, I could not have done it without Chris. He has supported me and challenged me and encouraged me for the last six years as I have worked to achieve this goal. He didn’t give up on me when my priorities were out of whack or when I felt like giving up on myself. I would never have made it without him.

Throughout the weekend, small seeds were planted in my heart of things to come. The commissioning service was incredibly powerful, and I’m glad that we chose to attend. It was wonderful to meet one of my professors and to be encouraged by her prayer for me.

The speakers during the graduation ceremony said several things that stuck out to me as well, and I jotted a few notes down in my Moleskine afterwards. Regent is making a video of the commencement ceremony available on iTunes, so I am looking forward to being able to listen to the speeches again.

I have been praying about and thinking about graduate school for a long time now, and after last weekend, I am sure that I want to keep going. I’m not sure yet of what program, but I’ve taken the first step and ordered my GMAT test prep materials. I was very inspired by the projects presented by the Strategic Leadership PhD students, but I’m not sure I’ll have the stamina or resources to stay in school that long. It’s a dream, one I know that God has the resources to make it happen if it’s his will. For now, I’m still trying to wrap my mind around two more years and finishing my MBA.

It is difficult to look at these pictures and feel so proud of the achievement and then to look at the job market and see so little opportunity. I know graduates everywhere can commiserate with me on that. However, I am hopeful about the future. Rather than looking at the challenges in the world and becoming overwhelmed by them, I think it is important that we decide to be part of the solution. Our education comes with a responsibility attached to it. We all hope for a bright future for our children; now, it is up to us to create it.

(View more photos on my Facebook page here.)

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