
Memorial Day Projects

June 2, 2010

As is typical for us, Chris and I packed as much into the long weekend as we possibly could. What is it about having one extra day off that makes us think we can pack in a week’s worth of projects? I have no idea, and yet every year, we plan far more for that one weekend than we can realistically achieve.

This last weekend was no different, although we did make progress on some important projects. On Saturday, we spent about six hours helping some friends who are in our Cross Point small group finish their home remodel. The couple is getting married this Saturday and had originally planned to live in the bride’s home while they finished working on their remodel project across town. Unfortunately, her Bellevue home was flooded during the Nashville flood, so they needed to speed up the remodel of the other house. We were able to help install the front door and four windows while we were there. Hopefully the house will be ready for move-in this week.

After that, we went and checked out some rental homes on the east side of Nashville (and said a big NO to that) and went to work on Chris’ scooter. Our friends Cory and Richelle Smithee had the yellow parts painted for us, but we needed to put it all back together. It took all of Saturday afternoon/evening, all of Sunday afternoon/evening, and Monday morning/afternoon, but we finally finished. We messed up the truck at the end and need some help with the trunk lock, but other than that, the bike runs like a dream. I’m so happy for Chris.

We also moved some boxes out of our guest bedroom and into our storage unit and brought my sewing machine home. Yay!! — I can finally start work on a few projects of my own. 😉

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1 Comment

  • Reply Happy Eight Months! « Dee Wilcox June 1, 2011 at 9:18 pm

    […] lately, but literally no time to write them down. I started an impossible Memorial Day project (again) on Friday, and I am desperately trying to wrap it up. On Saturday, after getting very little […]

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