Mackenzie is eight months old today! We set up a little photo shoot, took some pictures, and then ate watermelon to celebrate.
I’ve had so many blog posts brewing in my head lately, but literally no time to write them down. I started an impossible Memorial Day project (again) on Friday, and I am desperately trying to wrap it up.
On Saturday, after getting very little sleep and reading the Weissbluth Method blog, I decided something in our sleep situation had to change. So while Chris went out golfing, I initiated the Big Three Room Switch. I moved Mackenzie’s room into the guest room, guest room into the office, repainted Mackenzie’s room rental white, and moved Chris’s office in there.
So now Mackenzie is in her own room, rather than basically a walkway, with a door that latches. We’ve also instituted an even earlier bedtime, and she has slept wonderfully three out of the last four nights.
The only problem with the room is that it is all white. White walls, white furniture, white curtains. It has better light, though, with two big windows, and I like that. So I’ve started several little projects to bring in more color to the space. Those photos will be coming soon.
She is so adorable. I love the hat! I had no idea that she was so close in age to my Xander. He just turned 8 months on the 23rd.
Dee Reply:
June 5th, 2011 at 1:54 pm
Wow, I had no idea they were so close in age, either! I think this age is where it starts to get really fun…. 🙂
What a little sweetie! Happy eight months. 😀
Dee Reply:
June 26th, 2011 at 8:44 pm
Thanks, Hope! Hard to believe she’ll already be 9 months old next Friday!