I’m rocking Mackenzie back to sleep and thinking about the day. This photo is from this morning. She was making goofy squinty-eyed-big-grin faces at me, but I couldn’t quite get a good picture. My silly girl.
I am so thankful to everyone for the response to my post yesterday about our homeless house-guests. It was overwhelming. Support and advice and encouragement poured into my inbox via Facebook, Twitter, and comments here. Thank you, thank you. Chris and I both felt lifted up.
We haven’t heard from the couple today, but our plan is still to take them to the bus station tomorrow. My hope and my prayer is that in Florida they will find the resources and support they need.
Thanks again for the big show of love yesterday. Chris and I have certainly been changed – for the better, I think – by this experience. I will keep you posted on what happens next on this crazy journey.
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