Mackenzie has changed so much in the last month. She engages with us, plays with us, talks to us. I’m starting to see a little girl when I look at her, and not just my sweet baby.
Mackenzie seems to get more active by the day. No crawling (yet!), but she is obsessed with her toys. Everything is a game. She loves to play and is always looking for an opportunity to engage us or draw a smile. She’s curious and expressive, but shy, too. She reaches out to us for assurance.
She’s crazy smart. Today we played with magnets on the fridge. She took them off and tried to put them back on. She tries to turn the pages of her favorite books. Her latest favorite game is putting something in her mouth and then trying to put it in mine.
She also turns to us for comfort in a real and intentional way. We were in a meeting on Wednesday, and she was unsure of things. She was sitting in my lap and tilted her head up to make eye contact with me, and then she turned and leaned her head on me. She hugs my neck when she’s tired or doesn’t feel well.
Mackenzie’s relationship with Annie and Sydney is changing, too. She loves to pet them, and today she tried to feed Annie her toy blocks. I love it when Mackenzie laughs when Annie catches a ball.
This is a really fun age, but full of new challenges. Her world is expanding, and so is ours.
she is so so sweet <3
She is so beautiful! And nine to twelve months is one of my favorite times. So much growing and developing. It’s such a blessing to be able to watch them grow and learn.