
Weekend Reading

September 15, 2013


Hello, friends! I hope you had a good weekend. We definitely did. Lots and lots of playtime with Mackenzie, and Chris and I got to go to a Nashville Food Bloggers get together. It was really great.

Just thought I’d share a few links to what I’ve been reading and what is inspiring me this week. Feel free to share your own links in the comments.

This toy closet on Young House Love is brilliant. I’ve been brainstorming a way to make that idea work in our house.

I never know what to do with eggplant. My friend Lesley created this delicious-sounding sandwich that is actually served on a roasted red pepper scone. Pretty sure this is making the menu this week.

I also never know what to do with squash, especially the large amount currently hanging out in my refrigerator. I’ve got butternut, acorn, patty pan, and yellow crookneck. I found this recipe for buttery patty pan squash on Food Renegade. I’m excited to try it. (Got any other suggestions for me??)

Last but not least, Chris, Mackenzie, and I are “running” in the Run for Mercy 5K next week with Team Cross Point. We are super excited about it.

Have you ever done a family-style 5k? Got any tips for us?

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  • Reply Lesley Eats September 16, 2013 at 5:00 pm

    It was so nice to meet you! And let me know what you think about that recipe. The scones are so good on their own, but with all those flavors together, it was just nuts. So good! (But I hope that someone else gets the same results!)


  • Reply Hope September 23, 2013 at 11:47 am

    Weelicious has a good recipe for butternut squash. You drizzle it with maple syrup and cinnamon, and then roast little chunks of it. I thought it was really yummy. Although, kinda surprisingly, our daughter was not much of a fan.


    Dee Reply:

    Ooh, that sounds really yummy! I will have to look it up!


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