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Faith Family Mackenzie

Choosing Joy

It’s been awhile, friends. I have been challenged to have a new post up on Thursday that I’m actually looking forward to writing and sharing with you, but it feels as if some sort of segway or transition is needed. I hate that the…

March 24, 2015

That Is Mine

Lisa Jo Baker’s new book Surprised By Motherhood is coming out in two weeks, and I cannot wait to for it to arrive. This shareable really spoke to me, and I just had to share. 🙂  …

March 20, 2014
Faith Life

Brave New Year

I was up late the other night, working on house stuff, most probably, or Peaches. Up late enough for Andy Stanley’s late night show to come on. Work nights after M’s bedtime are like running a marathon. I’m always grateful to be awake when…

January 8, 2014

First Thoughts

She snuggles in our bed with her head in my lap, and I comb my fingers through her long, blonde hair. I am still amazed that she has blonde hair, but I can see hints of golden brown peeking through. It seems to be…

November 12, 2013
30 Days of Grace

Unforced Rhythms of Grace

Well then. I’m already behind on my 30 Days of Grace series. I’m so sorry, friends. These aren’t easy to write, and my first post generated some questions that were tough to answer. The best place to start is usually at the beginning, so let’s…

October 7, 2013