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Family Mackenzie

Mackenzie Now {Three Years}

It’s been a while since I wrote a “Mackenzie Now” post. I’ve been meaning, too, but she’s changing so fast, and the words I planned to write don’t seem to fit anymore. But I’m learning that’s the way it is with toddlers. Growing, amazing,…

September 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Mackenzie

It took me five days to announce Mackenzie’s birth. In true form it has taken me another five to write about her birthday. Sometimes we are so in the moment, so busy with the business of life, it’s hard to take time to document…

October 6, 2011
Art Mackenzie Work

Birthday Invitations

Mackenzie will be ONE(!) in just a few short weeks, so we mailed out her birthday party invitations the first weekend of the month. We are planning a small get together at the park with friends and family, but since so many of our…

September 13, 2011
Family Life

Three-Oh {Part 1}

(I am re-writing this because my previous, almost finished draft disappeared. Grrr.) Sunday was my 30th birthday. The big Three-Oh. And it was amazing. On Saturday I got to Skype with my mom and my twin sister Lea. That was super fun. Mom got…

August 30, 2011

Thirty in Thirty

My twin sister Lea reminded me today that we will be THIRTY in just thirty days. Can I be honest? I have no idea how that is possible. I should be turning twenty instead of thirty. But no, the calendar is true. And it…

July 29, 2011