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At Home Family

Summer Update

Hello, friends! My, how the summer is flying by! I can hardly believe we’re midway through July and already dreaming of fall and cooler weather. It seems that just as soon as the days warm up, they warm up just a little too much.…

July 19, 2014

Our Meyer Lemon Tree

When we were in San Francisco, Chris and I were walking past a row of homes when he suddenly said, “Hey, is that a lemon tree?” And sure enough, it was! I have read about healthy, beautiful, fruiting lemon trees, but I had yet…

July 31, 2013
Gardening Going Green

U-Pick Farms in Middle Tennessee

For a few years when I was growing up, we lived out in the country on my grandpa’s land in the Ozarks of Northwest Arkansas. Our neighbors leased a small plot of land from him and built a large garden, pond, and pasture. In…

May 2, 2013

Our Portable Garden

We are welcoming spring here in Nashville, and so far, our portable garden is working out nicely. The drainage is great, and we have plenty of space to add depth. Our biggest challenge will be keeping the soil most. I am so excited about…

March 14, 2011

Fall Gardening

I spent more time outside yesterday than I have in ages, and it was wonderful. We have two flower beds in the front of the house we are renting, and I’ve decided to turn them into a small kitchen garden with flowers, herbs, and…

September 7, 2010