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At Home Going Green

All Things Honest

You might not know this, but we’re a typical, busy, modern family. Shocking, I know. We place a high priority on slow living, but the day to day grind of work commutes, daycare, meal prep, laundry, and cleaning can make it hard to live…

April 11, 2013
Gardening Going Green

{Giveaway} Summer Reading

I have far too many books. So many good ones, but too many. It’s time to thin out my collection a bit to the ones I truly love. So, instead of taking the rest of them to Goodwill, I thought I’d give them away…

July 16, 2011
Going Green Work

And we are… LIVE

The Whole Life is up and running!  Check it out at I still have some graphics work and re-writing to do, but the site is functional on a basic level.  Chris is helping me with some apparel designs, and then we’re going to…

June 2, 2008
Going Green Life

The Whole Life – Coming Soon

I’m working on a new project called The Whole Life. I hope to develop it into a connecting point for members of the community to find resources for sustainable and healthy living choices. Going green is all about going local, and that is the…

May 25, 2008