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Finishing Up the Nursery

Chris and I have both switched into “get it done” gear in regard to Mackenzie’s nursery and finishing up our preparations for her. I have a few nursery projects that have just been dragging on, and I finally finished two of them Monday. I…

September 2, 2010

Nursery Update

I finally finished Mackenzie’s crib bedding last night. I sewed a simple fitted sheet for the crib out of the fabric that we used on her blanket. I was planning to sew a bedskirt, but I think it looks good without one. Who knows…

July 20, 2010

23 Weeks

Yesterday afternoon Chris and I had our 23-week checkup. Mackenzie’s heartbeat is strong at 152 bpm. I can feel her moving all throughout the day now. Her kicks get stronger and stronger, and Chris has been able to feel her several times, too. It’s…

June 11, 2010

Nursery Idea Board

We spent last weekend in Huntsville, Alabama, with Chris’ parents. We had a wonderful time and even got to watch our three dogs swim together in a pond near Rick and Linda’s house. I wish I had it on video. Linda and I spent…

May 27, 2010

Nursery Inspiration

Today Chris and I turned in our intent to vacate our apartment on July 18. Sixty days from now, we will be in a house… somewhere. 🙂 I spent a couple of hours house-hunting online today and finally found a few options that I…

May 19, 2010