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At Home Family

Summer Update

Hello, friends! My, how the summer is flying by! I can hardly believe we’re midway through July and already dreaming of fall and cooler weather. It seems that just as soon as the days warm up, they warm up just a little too much.…

July 19, 2014
At Home

Before Photos of the New House

Moving day is in three days, so while our current house is pre-move crazy town, I thought I’d share some photos of the new house, before it’s crazy town with the typical moving in chaos. We are really excited about this house. It’s about…

January 27, 2014

(Still) Teething

We’re making progress! Mackenzie’s top left central incisor came in last week, and her top right central incisor came through today. (And without tears today, which is so much better than last week.) Yay! I loved this little shirt on Mackenzie, so I tried…

July 18, 2011

Update: Green Potatoes

I received a comment on my old blog yesterday reprimanding me for not tossing the green potatoes I pulled this spring and advising me that I should read up on my history of the Irish Potato Famine… *sigh* Since I am taking that blog…

September 30, 2009