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{Giveaway} Summer Reading Week 3

This week’s book giveaway is Poke the Box by Seth Godin. I’m a huge fan of Seth Godin’s work. He’s a self-contained innovation engine, and Poke the Box is essentially his manifesto. It is the product of months of blog posts about the changing…

July 31, 2011

{Giveaway} Summer Reading Week 2

I’m not sure why, but we somehow ended up with two copies of this book. I remember buying the first one before we brought our oldest dog Annie home. The Art of Raising a Puppy is hands down the best puppy training book I…

July 23, 2011
Gardening Going Green

{Giveaway} Summer Reading

I have far too many books. So many good ones, but too many. It’s time to thin out my collection a bit to the ones I truly love. So, instead of taking the rest of them to Goodwill, I thought I’d give them away…

July 16, 2011


What a nutty, crazy weekend. We spent almost all day Saturday in the ER with Chris, only to be sent home with no answers and no medicine. The outpouring of concern from family and friends for him was so sweet, though. We are so…

May 15, 2011

The Wednesday Sisters + Giveaway

Last week while Chris was out of town, I picked up The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton on sale at Target. (Quick aside — I love that Target still has a decent book section. Just one more reason I prefer it over the…

July 21, 2010