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Art Mackenzie Work

Birthday Invitations

Mackenzie will be ONE(!) in just a few short weeks, so we mailed out her birthday party invitations the first weekend of the month. We are planning a small get together at the park with friends and family, but since so many of our…

September 13, 2011

{Giveaway} Summer Reading Week 3

This week’s book giveaway is Poke the Box by Seth Godin. I’m a huge fan of Seth Godin’s work. He’s a self-contained innovation engine, and Poke the Box is essentially his manifesto. It is the product of months of blog posts about the changing…

July 31, 2011
Life Work


Long before Mackenzie was born, I started planning for changes in my work life to accommodate a baby. And as self-centered as that may sound, that is really how I looked at it. My Life + Baby. But there is so much you can’t…

July 14, 2011