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Faith Family Mackenzie

Choosing Joy

It’s been awhile, friends. I have been challenged to have a new post up on Thursday that I’m actually looking forward to writing and sharing with you, but it feels as if some sort of segway or transition is needed. I hate that the…

March 24, 2015

That Is Mine

Lisa Jo Baker’s new book Surprised By Motherhood is coming out in two weeks, and I cannot wait to for it to arrive. This shareable really spoke to me, and I just had to share. 🙂  …

March 20, 2014

2013 Year in Review

Wow, what a year 2013 has been. There have been some years I have just been glad to see go, but this year is different. We were intentional about the things we cared about, and even though we did some things differently than we…

December 31, 2013

First Thoughts

She snuggles in our bed with her head in my lap, and I comb my fingers through her long, blonde hair. I am still amazed that she has blonde hair, but I can see hints of golden brown peeking through. It seems to be…

November 12, 2013
MJ's Bookshelf

MJ’s Bookshelf: Audrey Bunny

I have been waiting patiently for Angie Smith’s children’s book, Audrey Bunny, to become available. If you’re familiar with Angie and the story behind the book, you can understand why. It’s a beautiful story about unconditional love and imperfection and lost getting found. The…

October 24, 2013