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At Home Family

Summer Update

Hello, friends! My, how the summer is flying by! I can hardly believe we’re midway through July and already dreaming of fall and cooler weather. It seems that just as soon as the days warm up, they warm up just a little too much.…

July 19, 2014
At Home Life

An Update

Hello, friends, and happy Friday! What a busy spring it has been! I feel like we started running a marathon when we moved into our new house, and it just hasn’t let up. We gave up freelance for the sake of our sanity for…

May 3, 2014

2013 Year in Review

Wow, what a year 2013 has been. There have been some years I have just been glad to see go, but this year is different. We were intentional about the things we cared about, and even though we did some things differently than we…

December 31, 2013

Life Around the Table

As you know I’ve been reading Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist, loosely following along with the Bloom (in)courage book club. I finished the book before we left for vacation, but I am still inspired by it. Our vacation was very much a “foodie”…

August 2, 2013

It’s Not in Vain

Chris and I are reading a marriage devotional together. I’m not bragging about that, because we’re still working on it and figuring it out. But right now, when we can, we both read the One marriage devotional on YouVersion and then talk about it…

June 19, 2013