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Family Life

Weekend Reading

A few weeks ago when I was home sick, I watched a fantastic TED Talk about agile programming for family management. The gist of the idea is that people respond well to guidelines that they develop and agree on together. Kids respond well to…

April 5, 2013

Happy Friday + Links

Happy Friday, friends! It has been a good week here — We haven’t won the sleep war yet. Mackenzie is definitely teething, and her Hyland’s teething tablets and baby ibuprofen have ensured a few relatively restful nights for all of us, which has made…

August 24, 2012

Hiking Lake Radnor

Sometimes it seems like if there is a remotely contagious strain of anything floating in the air within a 100-mile radius, someone in this house is going to catch it. As luck would have it, there was an outbreak of hand, foot, and mouth…

April 26, 2012
Life Mackenzie

This Way

The other night Mackenzie woke up around 1:30 a.m. for a diaper change. I changed her and snuggled her and offered her crackers and water, but she wasn’t interested. Instead, she reached for a cardboard jewelry box I’ve been letting her play with. She…

February 28, 2012