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The Weepies


The World Spins Madly On

I learned today that The Weepies have recorded a new album that will be out “in early 2010,” which should be soon, right? Oh, how I love them so.…

March 19, 2010
Life Marriage

Winning the War

I love The Weepies. “How You Survive the War” is on their new album, Hideaway, and it was the first song that really got me hooked on the new release. The title track is awesome, too, and “Can’t Go Back Now” is my current…

May 13, 2008

Dance It Out

Sometimes when my head is so full I can hardly sort out all my thoughts, I like to take a hot bath and just not think. But sometimes, taking a hot bath or any other kind of relaxing activity just won’t do. There is…

May 5, 2008

The Weepies Have a New Album Out!

The Weepies’ new album, Hideaway, just hit stores on April 22. I just randomly discovered this wonderful news tonight and had to share. I love, love, love this album. Check out to download a free mp3 of the title track. You can listen…

April 27, 2008

You've Got Yours, and I've Got Mine

If you haven’t listened to The Weepies yet, you definitely should.  You can download their songs from iTunes, but you can also check them out for free on You Tube. The ones I love so much I bought from iTunes include “Somebody Loved,” “Simple…

April 10, 2008