Have you ever had a really, really long week? I’ve had a lot of long weeks lately, and a lot of lousy days. I work full-time and go to school full-time, so to a certain point, this is to be expected. In order to cope, I’ve developed a few strategies to get me through:
First, I do the things I know I should do… I pray and spend time with God. I eat breakfast, and I work out in the middle of the day. I do laundry or the dishes, and I make a healthy dinner for Chris and me.
I also have a list of about 45 songs in a specific iTunes playlist that I listen to get me out of a slump. My favorite song is “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World. I’m thinking of turning this into an iMix on iTunes. If you have any suggestions for my iMix, comment below, and I’ll add them to the iMix. Look for update in a future blog post.
Then, if that doesn’t get my spirits up, I go through The Happiness Project’s list of “Thirteen Tips for Dealing with a Really Lousy Day.” My favorites are #1 (Resist the urge to “treat” yourself), #4 (Seek inner peace through outer order), #7 (Stay in contact – Facebook is great for this), and #13 (Being grateful for the things in my life that are going well).
And at the end of the day, if I just barely made it through and if I am proud of myself for just continuing to breathe, I take a bath. A long, hot bath with an aromatherapy bubble serum with lots of bubbles, and I just soak. I don’t read anything unless it’s completely distracting. Then I go to bed and pray the next day will be better.
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