
I’m Coming Your Way

October 8, 2009

I don’t often share about my personal life or my spiritual commitment, but a few things are pressing on my heart, and I wanted to share them with you today. This post is very different than usual, but I hope you’ll bear with me.

Yesterday morning in my devotional time, I opened my Bible up to Psalm 27. My favorite translation is the New Living Translation, and here is how Psalm 27:4 reads in my Bible,

    “The one thing I ask of the Lord –
    the thing I see most –
    is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
    delighting in the Lord’s perfections
    and meditating in his Temple.”

I write notes in my Bible a lot, and at some point in the past, I wrote these next to that verse:

    The Things David Wanted Most:

  1. To live in the house of the Lord forever
  2. To see His beauty
  3. To seek His face in the Temple

When I’ve read this Scripture in the past, I’ve honestly thought to myself, “Wow, that’s all David wanted?” And I’ve caught myself saying, “I want more.” But in my pursuit of more, and with the blindness that goes along with ambition, and just the way that Life has of getting us off track, I’ve found myself farther from God’s House than I’ve been in a long time. I feel like I’ve been looking at it from way off in the distance and wondering how to get back.

Now, I’ll clarify a little bit. My heart toward God has not changed. I love Him, and always will. He is my Lord, and always will be. But somewhere along the journey of being in full time ministry for nearly seven years, to transitioning out of that, I feel like the road I’ve been on has been circling farther and farther away from God – both from the things that matter most to His heart, and the desires that should be at the center of mine.

Then yesterday I reread these words in Psalm 27:8:

“My heart has heard You say, ‘Come and talk with me.’
And my heart responds, ‘Lord, I am coming.'”

I hope you’ll take some time to ponder those words this morning and let the Lord draw you back. At the top of this post I’ve embedded a video my husband created as a video message our church a few years ago. It’s about ten minutes long, but I hope you’ll take some time to watch it and let the message of the Father heart of God sink in.

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