
Seven Weeks

November 20, 2010

Mackenzie is seven weeks old! We were waiting anxiously for her six-week “birthday,” and we have really enjoyed the interaction and big smiles that came with that milestone. She kept up her two-to-three hour routine, though, so we weren’t sure what to think.

This week has felt like a huge step forward, though. She interacts with us now when we play with her. Tummy time is so much fun, now. Her toys are starting to catch her attention, and she is responding more to music and other stimuli.

(Quick aside: My brother and his wife sent a care package for Mackenzie this week and included two stuffed animals that look just like Annie and Sydney. Melt my heart.)

Best of all, she’s starting to sleep longer at night and take regular naps during the day. Yay for both of us!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Decade « Dee Wilcox December 31, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    […] Days Panic + Epiphany Cloth Diapering Oh, Brother Nursery Furniture Welcoming Mackenzie Grow Baby Seven Weeks Ahh Goo (And Other […]

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