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Weekend Reading

Hello, friends! I hope you had a good weekend. We definitely did. Lots and lots of playtime with Mackenzie, and Chris and I got to go to a Nashville Food Bloggers get together. It was really great. Just thought I’d share a few links…

September 15, 2013
Friends Life

Baby Afghan by Holly Kaiser

My wonderful friend Holly Kaiser crocheted the most beautiful afghan for Mackenzie. Her daughter Emma picked out the yarn. Isn’t it lovely? I can just imagine cuddling Mackenzie up in this super-soft blanket. It’s a beautiful keepsake piece. I can’t wait to snuggle our…

September 24, 2010
Family Friends


What an amazing week. We were busy every single night. Gotta squeeze things in while we can, right? On Monday, we had coffee and caught up with friends, and Tuesday night we went to another Financial Peace University class to make up for missing…

September 1, 2010
Friends Life

Finish Line is in Sight!

Today I begin the first day of summer classes… and officially my last summer semester. It feels so good to say that. I was marking off courses on the checklist my advisor sent in January, and I noticed that I’ve fulfilled the requirements for…

May 11, 2009