When you have a dream in your heart, it can seem so precious and delicate that acting on it seems a terrible risk. And if you can manage to get yourself to the edge where fear meets faith, the idea of stepping out is absolutely terrifying.
I was chatting with Lea yesterday about how cautious we can be in areas that are the most important to us, whether it’s an important decision we need to make, a goal that we have, or a tender dream in our heart that seems out of reach. While these visions have the power to thrill our hearts and give us hope for a bright future, the weight of potential can seem crushing, and it can cause us to fail before we’ve started.
Making myself get up and write this morning was a challenge. I slept weird, I had weird dreams, and my mind is just generally all over the place. I felt like starting over before I even got out of bed. But here I am, typing anyway. I have to overcome those minor obstacles and fears that I have prevented me from putting myself out there in the past.
My greatest fear is that I will not reach my potential. I think this is true for many of us. If we have potential to be a great anything, our greatest fear is that we won’t become that. For me, this fear centers around writing. It is so close to my heart that the fear of failing can still the breath in my chest.
So, I am doing this to get over my fear of not becoming the noted author the world expects me to be. This is my scratch pad, my workspace. I am doing this to get myself out there, to fine-tune my craft, to get words on paper (or screen), however elegant or rough they may tumble out. This is my journey, and I hope, at the very least, that it encourages you to take the first step toward overcoming fear and starting out on your own path.
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Dede –
I think you are right about the weight of potential. It is actually really similar to how I have been feeling a lot lately. Blake, the kids, work, school, music, writing, etc. etc. etc.
Anyway, I am not leaving you a comment to tell you that I think you are right or wrong. Just that you are beautiful and that I support you and I believe in you.
love you.
Thanks, Mandy. You are so sweet and supportive…
As far as potential… On the one hand, I want you to know that you have amazing potential to be great at whatever you set your hand to do, whether it’s in your relationship with Blake, as a mom, at work, in school… But on the other hand, I want to tell you not to worry about all that. Don’t even give it a thought. Don’t be afraid to dream, and don’t let “potential” weigh on you. Just be you and give your best to whatever you commit to do. You are already an amazing mom. 🙂 We all love you and support you, and we believe in you.