
Ten Days

September 21, 2010

I looked at the calendar this morning and did a double-take. We have just ten days left until Mackenzie’s scheduled arrival. Can you believe that? Sometimes the days have dragged, but looking back, the last nine months have really flown by. I don’t think Chris or I had any idea that when we moved to Nashville, we would be starting the greatest adventure of our lives.

So what do we do with ten days? Mackenzie’s room is almost finished – we’re finishing the ottoman Chris built today at lunch, and I think that’s the last thing. I have diapers to wash and pre-stuff, a baby bathtub still to buy, and the hospital bag to pack, but I think that’s it. The huge list I made back in June is finally being whittled down to just a few small things. Hard to believe.

I have lots of pictures still to post here and on Facebook, so there is definitely that. (I have a feeling my world is about to revolve around capturing and posting precious moments.) This week I’ll be posting more pictures of some of the gifts that have been given to Mackenzie. Can’t wait for you to see.

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1 Comment

  • Reply keli @ kidnapped by suburbia September 22, 2010 at 3:20 pm

    how flippin’ exciting!!!! just so happy for you guys 🙂

    and please. from an exhausted mama … please get as much rest as you can. (just don’t tell me about it, or i might not like you very much) *wink*


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