Man, I wish there was such a thing. I have tried three different recipes and used up a lot of perfectly good fruit trying to make fruit leather. The first recipe was too tart and burned. The second recipe called for using plastic wrap,…
One of my simple goals from my urban homesteading list was to make our own breads and granolas. We don’t eat a lot of loaf bread these days, but I do make our tortillas, pizza dough rounds, pastas, and pita breads. Sometimes we buy…
A necessary part of the cloth diapering adventure is {apparently} having wet bags readily available. At the very least, I’ve been told I need one in the nursery, one by the toilet, and one in the diaper bag. I finished sewing this large wet…
Chris and I have both switched into “get it done” gear in regard to Mackenzie’s nursery and finishing up our preparations for her. I have a few nursery projects that have just been dragging on, and I finally finished two of them Monday. I…